Home • Thinking Styles • Dimension Explanations • Report & Personal Profile

The Thinking Styles Report gives a graphic and verbal representation of your own Personal Profile. There are no right or wrong profiles.

This is a shortened example of an individual's profile from a report with a possible interpretation.

The above profile suggests that the person has a high preference for Visual and Kinaesthetic thinking, a moderate preference for Auditory processing and a low preference for Digital thinking. It also shows that there are some elements of both Auditory and Digital processing which they dislike doing. (To understand which of the surface traits they have expressed a dislike for, you will need to examine their responses to the relevant statements in the Thinking Styles Questionnaire).

The above profile suggests that this person has a very strong dislike of Self behaviours and a high preference for Others thinking. Potentially, if they never 'put themselves first' this could leave them permanently exhausted! Their profile also suggests that they have a high preference for Internally Referenced thinking and that there are some elements of External thinking which they dislike using. If this means that they tend to ignore feedback from others and always believe that they are 'right', potentially they could come across as being very arrogant, although their high Others preference may help to mediate this.

Although they have a low preference for Matching thinking, there are elements of Matching behaviours which they dislike doing and they have a high preference for Mismatching processing. Potentially, this could lead to them being perceived as 'argumentative', particularly if they are prepared to challenge others (which is very likely, given their high Internal score). Although they haven't disagreed with any statements relating to either Collaborative or Competitive processing, their scores suggest a low preference for Collaborative thinking and a moderate preference for Competitive thinking. Behaviourally, I would probably expect to see both Competitive and Collaborative behaviours displayed in their working environment.

You will notice that there is no explanation for the Task Focus dimensions here. This is because we have used this as a competition for those of you who would like to "have a go". If you would like to enter our competition to win a copy of the book "Thinking Styles-Relationship Strategies that work", then click here.

The Report
In the first part of the report you will find your Personal Summaries and the dimension definitions. In the second part of your report you will find more detailed descriptions of each Thinking Style.

These are written in a consistent format. We have included those behaviours, filters and language patterns identified through our questionnaires as being the most relevant to each style. We have also included some of those behaviours, language patterns and cognitive filters which are likely to be associated with each style. For each dimension, there is an explanation on how to manage and motivate people who score highly against the dimension, whether they are working with you, are working for you or are your manager. Finally we have designed some exercises to increase your flexibility for each Thinking Style. The exercises are designed for people who have a low preference or flexibility for the dimension should they choose to increase their flexibility. Those people who already score quite highly may want to do the exercises just for fun! Click here.

Have a go at our free competition to win a copy of the book "Thinking Styles - Relationship Strategies that work".
Read the questions and e-mail us with your ideas:
•  How would you describe the above Task Focus profile?
•  Using the dimension definitions, what behavioural characteristics might you expect the individual to display?
•  What would you suggest that their cognitive strengths and potential weaknesses might be at work relating to these Task Focus dimensions?

This is an exercise we use on our Licensing Programme. Every week we will be selecting a winner who will receive a copy of the book, dedicated to them and signed by the author, Fiona Beddoes-Jones. The competition is open to all and will be reviewed weekly.

Tip: We would suggest that you print off the Dimension Definitions and the other Profile pages to help you, then e-mail us with your comments on what the Task Focus profile suggests in behavioural terms.

 Go to:
Dimension Explanations
Sensory Focus
People Focus
Task Focus