Home • Workshops & Consultancy

We run open and in-house programmes and workshops throughout the year on Thinking Styles and how Thinking Styles can be used. We offer one day Introductory Workshops to explore delegates' own profiles, and two day programmes to become licensed to use Thinking Styles with others. We also offer one day workshops on Advanced Presentation Techniques and Advanced Training Techniques using Thinking Styles. Our Consultancy services cover a wide range of aspects of developing cognitive flexibility at work.

You can book onto any of our workshops and programmes by completing the booking form and submitting it to us. We will then confirm your booking back to you by e-mail. Please look at our terms and conditions of payment before submitting your booking form. Alternatively, you can call us on (+44) 01476 861010 to talk to us about your requirements.


Introductory Workshops
Licensing Programmes
In-House Training
Consultancy Services
Advanced Presentation Techniques
Advanced Trainer Skills
Booking Form
Terms & Conditions