Mankind has been thinking about thinking since the time of
the ancient Greeks. Since 1995, we, as the developers of Thinking
Styles, have noticed an increase in the number of consultancies
and training organisations specialising in elements of thinking.
Could this mean that there is renewed interest in styles of
thinking? If so, Thinking Styles offers you a very useful
way of learning about different styles of thinking and understanding
the implications and uses of each type.
The original concept for the Thinking Styles psychometric
was developed by Fiona
Beddoes-Jones in 1995 as a means of adding value to
personal and professional development programmes.
Thinking Styles measures peoples' cognitive and linguistic
preferences and levels of flexibility at work for twenty-six
'types' of thinking (dimensions).
It does not measure your thinking ability, nor is it
a measure of your 'intelligence'.
Thinking Styles has a unique scoring system. Not only does
it identify and measure the degree to which you like thinking
in a particular way, it also measures the degree to which
you dislike thinking in a particular way, i.e. there may be
elements of certain styles of thinking that you positively
dislike doing!
Thinking Styles was developed in collaboration with WDP Consulting
Version 1 of Thinking Styles was launched in 1997 as a beta
instrument. Thinking Styles Version 2, supported by reliability
and validity data, was launched in April 2001.
If you would like to view or download the questionnaire and
complete it, please
click here.
If you would like to see a sample profile - click
Thinking Styles
in depth
Much of the original work that was done regarding the concepts
of linguistics and cognitive filters was generated by Lesley
Cameron-Bandler and Richard Bandler in early 1970's America
in the area of personal therapy. They did not talk about 'thinking'.
Instead, they used the terms 'fundamental filters' and 'meta-programmes'
to explain the ways in which people perceive and understand
the world around them and how they then translate that perception
of the external world into an internal representation within
their own minds. The Bandlers' work is recognised as some
of the first building blocks of Neuro Linguistic Programming
Thinking Styles is at the forefront of research in the area
of generative NLP. It is the first psychometric instrument
specifically designed to identify and measure the cognitive
and linguistic dynamics inherent within individuals, teams
and organisations, at all levels.
Thinking Styles gives you very powerful techniques to help
you understand yourself and others. By developing your communication
skills you will be able to develop more effective working
relationships. Thinking Styles is ideal for use in situations
at work where strong relationships are critical for success.
Click here to view some
examples. In a team environment, an understanding
of the cognitive, linguistic and behavioural dynamics that
are operating (usually unconsciously) within the team can
be very beneficial in helping you to work more effectively
with your colleagues.
Cognitive dynamics are the mental processing and thinking
which takes place individually and within the team. Linguistic
dynamics are the words and language patterns which people
use. Behavioural dynamics of Thinking Styles are those behaviours
which occur as a result of the way in which a person thinks.
Thinking (even unconscious thought) always precedes action.
Linking these different dynamics together will help you to
understand the complex relationships between peoples' behaviours,
how they use words and the way in which they think. Understanding
the thinking processes of your teams will enable you to present
information to them in a way and at a pace which allows them
to think more effectively together, creating more successful
teams. At all levels of the organisation, your meetings will
be more focused, more effective and shorter. For
more examples - click here.
Thinking Styles can also identify cultural cognitive preferences
within teams and organisations. If, for example, an organisation
is particularly proactive, competitive or options oriented,
this is likely to be reflected in the individual and collective
profiles of its people. This is particularly true of the senior
team, as organisational culture is profoundly influenced by
the thinking styles of its directors and senior managers.
If you would like to view or complete the questionnaire -
If you would like to see a sample profile - click